Woodstock Recreation recently issued the following announcement.
Team Up to Clean Up Woodstock
10THMeet at Roseland Park to register & pick up supplies8
am - noon
Rain date Sunday, April 24th
The Woodstock Recreation Department and Woodstock Conservation Commission present Team Up to Clean Up Woodstock on Sunday, April 10th. This event is made possible by a grant from The Last Green Valley. Thank you to the Woodstock Highway Department and Roseland Park for supporting this event.We will have orange vests and trash pickers (to be checked out and returned), as well as gloves, trash bags, water bottles and snacks. Meet us next to the barn. Feel free to post photos of your clean up on the Woodstock Recreation Facebook page.Simply fill out a registration form, contact the Recreation Director to pick up supplies if needed, and complete and return a Trash Tracker form afterwards.https://www.woodstockct.gov/.../2022_clean_up...
Original source can be found here.